Support Zone
Dementia and Parkinson's Support Group
Two free groups running alternate Monday's aimed at those living with dementia and their carers, and those living with Parkinson's.
On Monday's 10am - 12pm
These support groups offer a variety of fun activities for those living with dementia and Parkinson's. It gives carers a chance to have a break, relax, socialise and meet people in similar circumstances.
Support, advice and more available to those who need it.
Free to attend, running alternate weeks. Please get in touch on 01782 244288 for more information or to find out which group is running which week.

Cafe Zone
Community Cafe
Free hot drinks and hot food available.
Tuesday's 9:30am - 11:30am
Our cafe is a warm, safe space where all are welcome.
We have regular visits from our PCSO's, social prescribers, NS Carers and monthly arts and crafts with Biddulph Local People's Group.
Come along with friends or to meet new ones. A happy, socially inclusive space where you can relax, catch up, listen to music and enjoy breakfast.

Bowling Zone
Indoor Short Mat Bowling
£2 Per Person - Includes Refreshments.
Wednesday's 1:30pm - 3:30pm
A non-competitive bowls group to enjoy friendly games followed by refreshments at half time.
All abilities and ages are welcome, whether you are a beginner or an expert.
The bowling takes place in our spacious sports hall.

Fitness Zone
Adult Fitness
Every Wednesday 7:15pm - 8pm
Adult fitness functional class - all abilities welcome.
£3 Per Person
Functional fitness meets circuits with our fitness instructor.
All abilities are welcome in this go-at-your-own-pace style class.
No need to book, simply come along and give it a try.

Mental Health Zone
Men's Activity Group
Every Wednesday 7pm - 9pm
Free to men of working age
Come along to meet new people and boost your physical and mental health.
Gym session runs from 7pm followed by a football session at 8pm.
Attend both sessions or just one, it's up to you.

Over 50's Zone
Over 50’s Social Group
£2 Per Person - Includes Refreshments.
Thursday's 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Come along to our weekly social group with a musical flavour. Every week we have chat, play games and have a good old sing song!
A great way to socialise and make new friends. A musical social group incorporating interesting things around music, dance and a sing-a-long.

Fitness Zone
£5 per person
Every Friday 10am - 11:30am
Join Muriel in this relaxing class that benefits your wellbeing as well as your physical health.
Open to all ages and abilities.
Call Muriel on 01782 513769 or 07857629232 to book your place or to get further information.

Over 50’s Zone
Men’s Over 50’s Group
£2.50 Per Person - Includes Refreshments.
Friday's 10am - 12:00pm
Don’t stay at home, come along to our established Friday Biddulph Men’s over 50's Group.
Enjoy the company of other people in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
We have a ‘Social’ – lively chat etc, one week, followed by a topic of interest delivered by a speaker the next week. You will always be made to feel welcome.
Tea, coffee and biscuits are always on the agenda!

Fitness Zone
Fit 4 Friday
£1.50 Per Person
Friday's 1pm - 3pm
A low impact, low intensity exercise class with a variety of gentle exercises such as short tennis, chair exercises and badminton.
If you require any information or would like to book, please contact The Zone : 01782 244288

Fitness Zone
The Fitness Hub
Prices vary.
Open 7 days a week
Why not begin your fitness journey with us? We have qualified trainers available to help you plan your workout routine and a wide range of equipment.
Competitive prices, day passes available and no membership joining fees make The Fitness Hub the place to be!