Privacy Policy
How information about you will be used
Information you provide is collected and stored securely by Biddulph Youth and Community Zone Limited, a charitable community benefit society (Reg. No. 7056) of Church Road, Biddulph, Staffordshire ST8 6NE. We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (Reg. No. ZA120881).
We collect this information to enable us to fulfil any contract we hold with you, to provide better services to our service users and the public in Biddulph, to administer membership records, to promote education, recreation and healthy lifestyles and monitor the effectiveness of our programmes, to safeguard vulnerable service users, to maintain our accounts and records, to prevent fraud and misuse of public funds, and to report to our funders on our charitable objectives. We will usually keep this information during the time of your involvement with our services and usually for a period of up to 6 years afterwards.
The information may include name and contact details email address, social media accounts, gender, ethnicity family information, your photo, details of disabilities and medical conditions, name of GP, financial, education and employment details, details of activities you take part in.
In some circumstances, we may share information about you with our partner organisations in order to provide you with appropriate services and with our funders to monitor outcomes related to our programmes. In some circumstances we may need to share information about you with your family or with statutory bodies, schools and other voluntary organisations, if your health or welfare is at risk. We may also share information with our technology suppliers and service providers to provide you with the services.
We and our partners will hold this information in confidence and comply with all our responsibilities under the General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act. By signing up, you agree to these terms. If you are under 13 years of age, your parent or guardian must agree to this. You have a right to withdraw your consent at any time and can update your preferences at any time by visiting www.bycz.org.
We and our partner organisations would like to send you information about our services and events from time to time by post, by telephone, email, SMS text and social media direct messaging to ensure you get the best from our services. If you agree to being contacted in this way, please tick the relevant boxes below. Please select all that apply – from a cost saving perspective, your email address and mobile number are the most cost-effective way to make contact – thank you).
Post – Email – Phone – SMS Text – Social Media
If you would like a copy of our Data Protection Policy, or wish to make a complaint please visit www.bycz.org email secretary@bycz.org, Tel: 01782 244288 or write to us at the address above. Alternatively, you can find out more about your rights or complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office at ico.org.uk.